Ag Transfer Agreement

WVC signs agriculture transfer degree agreements with WSU

WVC and WSU employees sign ag transfer degree agreement 
WVC President Dr. Jim Richardson signs articulation agreements with WSU.
Also pictured are Walt Tribley, vice president of instruction; George Ruddell,
agriculture faculty; Leo Garcia, agriculture faculty; Bob Gillespie, agriculture
faculty; Mary Watson, associate dean of workforce education; and Francisco
Sarmiento, agriculture faculty.


Wenatchee Valley College signed two articulation agreements with the Washington State University College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS) this month. The agreements allow WVC students to transfer to WSU with an associate in applied sciences-transfer (AAS-T) degree in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture or Horticulture and Tree Fruit Production.

Students who earn at least a 2.0 (“C” grade) cumulative grade point average in the WVC AAS-T degree programs may transfer with junior standing into the WSU CAHNRS.

“The agreements with WSU help expand our program offerings and enable WVC students to connect with future bachelor degrees and opportunities in the agriculture industry,” said George Ruddell, WVC agriculture faculty.

The articulation agreement is intended to eliminate the duplication of coursework and better integrate programs. Part of the CAHNRS philosophy includes facilitating the seamless transfer of students to WSU and making the transfer between two- and four-year institutions as barrier-free as possible.

According to the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges website, the AAS-T degree includes technical courses to help prepare students for employment, but also includes college-level general education courses that prepare students for their junior year in a bachelor’s degree.

WVC offers three AAS-T degree options in addition to the two agriculture AAS-T degrees. The business computer technology AAS-T may be used to transfer into the Central Washington University Bachelor of Applied Science in Information and Technology and Administrative Management. The early childhood AAS-T includes a transfer articulation agreement with Eastern Washington University that allows students to transfer into the EWU Bachelor of Arts in Children’s Studies. The criminal justice AAS-T degree is designed around common components in criminal justice-related degrees at Washington colleges and universities.
